

Manuel León was born in Villanueva del Ariscal in 1977. He is a painter and a member of a group called Colectivo Intervenciones en Jueves (Collective Interventions on Thursday), which carries out artistic actions at the Calle Feria Market in Seville. He combines his pictorial work with working on other projects like UNIA arteypensamiento's Sobre capital y territorio (About capital and territory) and providing visual and theoretical consulting to the Rock Pony Bravo rock band. He is working alongside Celia Macías on an educational project known as La Mirada Creciente (The Growing Look) in his studio. He took part in the Días de Cultura Abierta (Open Culture Days) held in Maracena, Granada and Alcalá de Guadaíra in September 2011. All his work is published under a Creative Commons licence.